Why Magnesium Is So Important
Your body is doing all sorts of things behind the scenes. Imagine that these things your body is doing are transactions. These transactions require money. Imagine that the money for these transactions is magnesium. Magnesium is involved in over 300 regularly occurring transactions in the human body. When the body doesn't have enough magnesium these transactions don't occur as efficiently as they should and imbalances occur. This means you will not look and feel as good as you should. This translates to an inefficient metabolism, hormonal imbalances, poor quality sleep, low energy, skin problems and fat storage in places where we do not want fat.
Why Deficiency Is Common
1) Plants derive their nutrition from soil. If the soil has adequate magnesium then the plants will contain adequate magnesium. When we eat the plants we will then have access to magnesium. Unfortunately, much of the soil in the US and the world is depleted of magnesium.
2) Stress (in any form) increases your requirements for many nutrients, especially magnesium. We live in a very stressful world.
3) Even in the presence of adequate magnesium, if you can't digest and absorb this mineral you will be deficient. Digestion problems are very common.
4) Processed and refined foods can damage your body and ultimately deplete minerals such as magnesium.
7 Ways To Ensure Your Body Has Enough Magnesium
1) Make Sure Your Thyroid Is Functioning Properly: A poorly functioning thyroid will make it so that your body does not use magnesium very efficiently and therefore you may have signs of magnesium deficiency. Note that optimizing thyroid function should be the focal point of any health program.
Ray Peat, Ph.D, says: "Getting enough sodium in the diet helps to retain magnesium, but both of them are lost easily when thyroid function is low; when the thyroid status is good, the requirement for magnesium is easily met by ordinary foods. "
2) Reduce Stress: Stress in any form can increase your requirements for many nutrients (especially magnesium) and it can also lower thyroid function. This is a double whammy, you need more of a nutrient to avoid deficiency yet as stress increases you begin to use that nutrient even less efficiently.
3) Boiled Vegetables
: A vegetable broth that is created using some combination of beet greens, swiss chard, turnip and kale is an easily digestible source of magnesium. Basically you are boiling the greens and drinking the broth. Make a big batch and drink a few ounces a day.
4) Bone Broth: Bone broth is a great source of protein and minerals like calcium and magnesium. While broth can help restore magnesium levels it also has many other benefits which will support your health.
5) Epsom Salt Baths: Epsom salt is a form of magnesium known as magnesium sulfite. By taking a weekly epsom salt bath (for about 15 minutes) you are able to absorb magnesium through your skin and replenish magnesium levels. It is also a great stress reducer. Be sure to bring a coconut water or other electrolyte juice in the tub to stay hydrated and keep your blood sugar balanced. (foot soaks are also an option although less effective).
6) Supplemental: There are two ways to supplement with magnesium, pills which you swallow and oils which you rub on your skin. Rubbing oils on your skin is arguably the best way to absorb magnesium as the oils are directly absorbed. This is known as transdermal absorption. Remember, what goes on your skin goes in your body. Hint: make sure your cosmetics are toxin-free. In pill form Magnesium glycinate is usually the most absorbable form. It is important to note that Magnesium is also a laxative so you will need to experiment with the amount.
7) Chocolate and Coffee: Yes, it is true, coffee and chocolate have many health benefits, one of them being that they contain high amounts magnesium. Be sure your coffee is organic and your chocolate is organic and if possible does not contain soy lecithin.
Note: Nuts and seeds are commonly sited as a source of food based magnesium. It is debatable how much magnesium you can absorb from these foods as they contain a number of compounds that inhibit digestion.
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